Last week we launched our first Autumn Offensive! The Autumn Offensive is our six week long campaign to raise donations to expand our organisation – our aim is to collect 3500 euros! Between now and the fifth of December we will be working on this donation drive, which we consider of great importance for our activities in the workers’ movement.
Why donate to the Communist Platform?
As the Communist Platform we aim to strengthen the workers’ movement and transform it into a movement that takes pride in its Marxist principles. A workers’ movement where democracy and open discussion are the norm. In short, we fight for a workers’ movement that is capable of changing the world.
This political struggle takes a lot of time and money. We have worked hard to offer a platform to various voices inside the workers’ movement, including those that do not necessarily share our opinions. In addition, we publish pamphlets and literature and we organise educational events and political meetings. For example, we recently organised the Marxist Forum, an initiative to fight for a new course inside the Socialist Party that over 200 people have joined already.
In the coming years we want to expand these initiatives in the workers’ movement. While the political right can count on the capitalist class and the state to finance its activities, either via ads, subsidies or donations of a different nature, we can only count on collective forms of support.
This donation drive aims to supply the Communist Platform with the financial means necessary to continue our operations – but that is not all. When Marxists are once again gaining popularity in the workers’ movement, they are sure to encounter resistance from the movement’s bureaucracy. As communists, we have to always be prepared for this fight. This means we do not just have to keep our organisation running, but we also have to find ways to expand our activities. This requires money – to rent venues, to invite interesting speakers and to cover the cost of printing our works and maintaining our website.
So if you value our work, and you want to support the Communist Platform in our fight for a principled Marxist workers’ movement, then we would ask you to donate to our Autumn Offensive. We appreciate every contribution! You can support us either with a one-off donation, or a monthly contribution.
Bank account: NL18 INGB 0000 1428 68 – Communistisch Platform – BIC: INGBNL2A